Do not worry!!
You can improve your heat response!!
Heat acclimation & Heat acclimtization
It is a systematic process of repeated exposures to a thermally extreme environment that elicits positive physiological, perceptual, and performance adaptations.
Intermittent heat training can maintain adaptations for long period of time.
Main adaptations
Lower heart rate
Lower internal and skin temperature
Higher sweat rate
Lower sweat electrolyte concentration
Higher plasma volume
Lower perceived exertion
Lower thermal sensation
Higher exercise performance
Get your body temperature cooler?
The high internal body temperature leads to fatigue, poor exercise performance, and a higher risk of heat illness. It is critical to decrease internal body temperature by cooling to maintain high performance. Cooling also could decrease muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise. Different cooling modalities can be used based on the goal, situations and the timing of cooling.
Fitness player an important role in response to heat.
Improving Your Fitness is a Key!
Heat mitigation strategies are important not only for performance but also preventing heat illness!!
Understanding your response to heat and making heat mitigation strategies can help preventing heat illness, which also enhance your performance.