Current Research
Heat Acclimation Adaptations Performance in Cooler Condition
The purpose of this study is to assess sex differences in cool temperature running performance and physiological adaptations induced by heat acclimation.
Training Load and Hydration in Ice Hockey
The purpose of this study is to examine training load and hydration status during Ice Hockey Games throughout the season.
Thirst & Performance
The purpose of this research is to examine the mechanistic roles thirst inhibition plays while exercising in the heat. Specific attention will be directed to the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory function and exercise performance.
Daily Water Intake
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of habitual total water intake (Low vs. High drinker) on cognitive function, skeletal muscle health, and skeletal muscle performance across the life span.
Dehydration & Anabolism
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of acute dehydration on resistance exercise-induced mTOR signaling and recovery.
Soccer Monitoring
The purpose of this study is to characterizing training load, recovery, neuromuscular function, and thermal response in elite soccer players during practice and games.
Morning vs. Afternoon Hydration Status
The purpose of this research is to develop a practical method to assess hydration status in free living vs-controlled situation, and in the morning vs in the afternoon.
Heat Acclimation Studies
The purpose of this research study is to understand ways that women and men differ physiologically, cognitively, physically, and cellularly to better prescribe helpful interventions that will prevent injury and risk of conditions like exertional heat illnesses or heatstroke. Another purpose of the study is to Optimize customized, precision heat acclimation protocols to enhance performance and readiness of female warfighters resiliency to consecutive days of intense exercise in the heat.
Real Time Hydration Assessment Wearable Technology
Purpose of these researches are to assess correlation between hydration status measured by standard procedures and Hemocept device in real-time.
Previous Research
Urine Storage
The purpose of this study was the effects of urine storage on the accuracy of hydration measurement.
PPG in-ear wearable
The purpose of this study was to compare measurements between an in-ear wearable device and standard methods of measurement for measurements such as heart rate with a chest strap heart rate monitor.

We published a number of research papers.
Check them out!!
Received Research Grants
Hemocept Grant #2 (2023-)
Title: Hydration Status Measured by Hemocept Device during Dehydration and Rehydration
Founder: Hemocept Inc.
Lubbock Matadors (2023-)
Title: Training, recovery, hydration, and heat response monitoring in male professional soccer players
Founder: Lubbock Matadors SC
Hemocept Grant #1 (2023-)
Title: Assess Correlation Between Arterial Blood Volume Status and Hemocept Device Data
Founder: Hemocept Inc.
American College of Sports Medicine World Athletics Federation Research Grant (2023-)
Title: Sex Differences in Cool Temperature Running Performance and Physiological Adaptations Induced by Heat Acclimation
Founder: ACSM foundation
Broad Agency Announcement 2021, Medical research award (2023-2026)
Title: Optimizing customized, precision heat acclimation protocols to enhance performance and readiness of female warfighters resiliency to consecutive days of intense exercise in the heat
Funder: US Department of Defense
PPG in-ear Wearable Device Validation (2021-2022)
Title: Comparison of PPG in-ear wearable device during rest and exercise to chest strap heart rate monitor and blood pressure measurements
Funder: ZS Medullan
Broad Agency Announcement 2020, Medical research award (2021-2024)
Title: Enhancing lethality by targeting cognitive and physiological mechanisms of female warfighter resiliency to consecutive days of intense exercise in the heat
Funder: US Department of Defense
Yamaha Sports Challenge Grant (2021)
Title: Rehydration prescription based on thirst and hydration state to enhance exercise and cognitive performance
Funder: Yahama motors